How to Wash a Baseball Jersey?

baseball player in action next to washing machine illustration

Baseball players often look as if they’ve been to incredible four winds after a practice session or a league match. And with all that slipping and running in the mud to get a home run, baseball jerseys are usually the first to get stained. In this article, we will teach you how to clean your dirty uniforms by following our super simple washing guide.

If you have a dirty baseball or MLB jersey, the best way to keep it clean is to wash it in cold water on a gentle spin cycle. Avoid using hot water as it tends to settle the dirt marks and ruin your jersey by making the colors dull. You can then let it air dry for a couple of hours, before wearing it again to your next baseball session.

It is best to properly wash your favorite jersey after each game or practice match. If you wait for too long, it will make washing the rigid dirt spots more difficult. Follow along and learn the best practices to wash baseball jerseys correctly.

Tips to Properly Wash Baseball Jerseys

When it comes to baseball, appearance is crucial, whether you’re playing yourself, or cheering on your favorite team wearing the fan gear. These seven tips will help you with the process.

  • MLB jerseys are prone to shrink, so never wash them in extremely hot temperatures or dry the jerseys in the dryer.
  • Always wash baseball jerseys in the washing machine separately. The residue from other apparel can ruin the decals, or cause fading of colors.
  • It’s best to avoid fabric softeners as they can make your jerseys stiff and loosen up the elasticity.
  • To minimize damage to heat-pressed decals, always turn your jerseys inside out before washing.
  • By unbuttoning the jersey, you can prevent the buttons from breaking, and reduce wrinkles.
  • If your water is hard, add a liquid conditioner to make the detergent work more effectively.
  • To remove stubborn spots, use an artificial remover like OxiClean, and leave your jersey to soak for a few hours before you’re washing.

Treating Stains on Baseball Uniforms

Sports jerseys should be kept looking great, but another important thing you want is to remove stains and odors. Since baseball is an outdoor sport, it is likely you’ll get the name on the front of your jerseys stained with dirt, grass, and red clay splotches every now and then.

Plus, the constant base running will make you sweat heavily resulting in those yellow smelly armpit marks. And God forbid, if you slip on the mud ground, or bump into a player, you may even get a slight scratch or a deep cut that can make your uniforms get some stubborn blood drops.

These are a few of the countless scenarios baseball players might encounter during the game. Luckily, all of these stains can be removed using tried and tested techniques that only require a few ingredients commonly available at home.

Here are the top cleaning techniques, and quick step by steps that will restore the pristine shine of your jersey.

Washing Machine

Best for: dirt, deodorant, sweat, blood stains

Washing jerseys in the washer is the safest option and an equally efficient cleaning method. A quick wash setting on your washing machine is fairly effective to remove dirt, deodorant, and sweat stains that only need a regular rinse. For this method to work, you must have a good quality powdered color-safe detergent, so that even if the stickers come in direct contact with the detergent it doesn’t cause damage to letters or numbers.

You can even use an artificial remover, like OxiClean, to get rid of red clay and grass stains. Simply, spray the solution on the dirt mark and let it presoak overnight. Make sure to follow any additional tips mentioned on the back of the remover solution bottle. Then follow these quick steps to get the cleaning done.

  1. Take your baseball uniform, unbutton it, and turn it inside out.
  2. Fill the washer with cold or slightly warm water.
  3. Add in 2-3 capsful of a mild laundry detergent.
  4. Place your jersey in and allow it to soak. Then set up a low spin, gentle cycle for up to an hour or two.
  5. Once the wash cycle ends, wring out the excess water, and hang it on the clothesline to dry under the sun or room temperature.

Baking Soda and Vinegar

Best for: tough stains like grass and food grease or wine.

If your uniforms have food or wine splatters, baking soda and white vinegar are two power-packed home ingredients that can get your job done. In addition to assisting with tough stains like mud and grass blotches, it also helps to deodorize and make your clothes free from odor. Here is how to do it.

  1. Spritz the stained area with cold water.
  2. Mix in a cup of baking soda and a cup of vinegar. Make a paste and apply small amounts to the spot.
  3. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently scrub the smear. Squash any excess moisture out. Don’t twist or pull on the jersey.
  4. Let it stay for a few minutes for removing odors and then give it a rinse in the washer using the steps above. You can also add a few extra drops of vinegar through the bleach dispenser.

How to Clean a White Baseball Jersey?

As much as white uniforms help you look dashing, these are usually more prone to get stained. The best way to make your jerseys white again is by using oxalic bleach or ingredients like vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide for washing and removing dirt marks. You can simply add a capful of oxygen bleach or vinegar to the bleach dispenser and wash your white sports jerseys in a washing machine.

Whether it is baseball, football, or hockey jerseys, all these cleaning methods are useful for white uniforms, but it calls for extra care:

  • Avoid soaking your delicate polyester fabric in the mixture for longer than a few hours.
  • Make sure to use cold water when washing.
  • Remove the laces if any.
  • Always neutralize the strong bleach substances with water to lessen the concentration.
  • Avoid adding fabric softener.
  • Most importantly, never put your white playwear with other colored fabrics.

Take a look at our linked article above to find alternative cleaning methods and step-by-step instructions for white sports jerseys.

baseball player with white baseball uniform in action

How to Dry Baseball Jerseys? (Avoid the Dryer)

The cleaning routine doesn’t just end here. After the washing cycle is finished, drying comes next. This process is very straightforward – simply leave it to air dry either by hanging it on a drying rack or laying it down flat.

Never use a tumble dryer. Similar to how warm water can ruin a polyester shirt’s form and color, the high-temperature setting can cause unnecessary friction and make the lettering and numbers on the jersey crack. Plus, if any stains remain they are likely to get more rigid.

Remember to keep your baseball jerseys away from direct sunlight to avoid further fades. Instead, dry them in a room temperature, or cover them with a thin cloth to prevent direct sun rays if drying outside. Baseball jerseys typically consist of moisture-wicking fibers that enable quicker drying, so they should dry within a few hours.

If you need more help, follow our sports jerseys drying guide for more information on this subject.

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